girl with Tattoo

Protecting your Ink Investment

Tattoos are not only a form of self-expression but also a significant investment in terms of time, money, and tolerance of pain. The need to preserve these intricate artworks against fading and blurring is imperative for maintaining their vibrancy. While taking care of fresh ink might seem manageable, the real challenge is protecting your healed tattoos from the harmful UVA and UVB rays of the sun. Combating the slow, stealthy fading caused by UVA rays and the rapid damage from UVB rays, your best line of defense is a quality sunscreen. That's where Sonrei Sea Clearly SPF 50 steps in. This broad-spectrum product provides superior protection while offering much-needed moisture to your skin, making it an ideal partner for your inked skin. Read more...
November 05, 2023 — Kaya Patel